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Trust Response to the Morecambe Bay Investigation Report - Chief Executive - Jackie Daniel
UHMBT's Chief Executive Jackie Daniel Discusses the Trust
Trust Response to the Morecambe Bay Investigation Report - Chair - Pearse Butler
Jackie Daniel, UHMBT Chief Executive’s response to the publication of the CQC’s Re-inspection report
Jackie Daniel response to CQC report
Jackie Daniel and Paul Jebb discuss the importance of mental health and wellbeing
What UHMBT have learnt from the Morecambe Bay Investigation
Transforming Research Delivery Dame Jackie Daniel
VIDEO: Morecambe Bay Investigation: 'lethal mix' of 'failures' led to baby deaths new
A thank you message to Dame Jackie Daniel and Pearse Butler
South Lakes Birth Centre opening - Jackie Daniel
Dame Jackie Daniel on working together across the North East and North Cumbria